Pfizer - Stop AMR (Global Campaign)
AMR (Anti-Microbial Resistance) is a severe global health and development threat that requires multi-sectoral action to resolve. If left alone, the emergence and spread of drug-resistant pathogens that have acquired new resistance mechanisms, leading to antimicrobial resistance, would threaten our ability to treat common infections. Especially alarming is the rapid global spread of multi- and pan-resistant bacteria (commonly known as "superbugs") that cause infections that are not treatable with existing antimicrobial medicines such as antibiotics.

As one of the world's premier biopharmaceutical companies, Pfizer is committed to stopping the spread of AMR globally. To achieve this goal, since 2017, Pfizer has been leading many initiatives, including establishing the ATLAS (Antimicrobial Testing Leadership and Surveillance) database and multiple global and local campaigns. This project is Pfizer's 2023 installment of its initiatives.
Project Duration
May 2023 - October 2023  
Team Size
7 Members
Primary Role
Lead Designer
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Key summary
The project in numbers
global campaign
unified system
unified global team
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The Design
Bringing medical knowledge closer to the audience
A friendly tone of voice and digestible information
Medical knowledge has historically been known for being dry and hard to digest for the general audience. However, to promote an accurate understanding of AMR, such information must be conveyed accurately. This is our creative team's first challenge: finding a way to make the necessary information digestible.

To tackle this challenge, our team defined an overall guideline for the tone of voice to be used throughout the campaign's website. Our team also proposed summarizing the information presented in different research papers from both Pfizer's labs and the WHO's public libraries into bite-sized chunks that are more engaging for the general audience.
Surprising elements - Myths and Busts
One primary cause of the rapid spread of AMR is the misuse of prescribed antimicrobial drugs. As such, preventing the abuse of these drugs is one of the most vital countermeasures to stop AMR. To do so, our team must find a method to ensure that the audience understands when they are misusing prescribed drugs.

Inspired by flashcards, a popular learning method in Japan, we created a Myths and Busts section that enables users to immediately gain the correct knowledge just by hovering their mouse over the provided myths.
Amplifying the danger of AMR
To better convey the danger of AMR, our creative team sought to amplify the danger by using large typography and simplifying other decorated elements and colors to direct the users' attention to the presented information. Furthermore, we opted for whole numbers instead of using unit abbreviations (such as millions) to represent the significant danger of AMR better.

Together with numbers, we also collected testaments from practitioners in countries heavily affected by the spreading of AMR to reinforce the presented information.
Boosting Pfizer's image
Our team also contributed to boosting Pfizer's position as a leader in the global battle against AMR by highlighting the company's actions. Like other sections, all presented information is bite-sized summaries that are easy to remember.
Reinforcing the users' memory with pop quizzes
Lastly, our creative team wants to ensure users can finish their journey while retaining as much information as possible. To achieve this goal, we created pop quizzes that allow users to test their knowledge, which was earned as they navigated through the experience on the website.

We also add further resources with the presented pop quizzes for users who wish to learn more about Pfizer and WHO's global initiatives. The website concludes again with the slogan "Stop AMR," a strong statement against the spread of AMR.
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A special thanks to the project team